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Fixing incorrect translations

Alexej Rotar's profile picture
Posts: 7

28 April 2021, 21:07


I found some issues with the German langpack. I already suggested corrected translations in the launchpad. However, for some of these, others had already suggested new versions, and yet the mistakes remain in the recent langpack. I understand that this behavior is wanted, as new suggestions might not necessarily be better than the previous versions. But in case of an actual mistake (typo) it would be nice to have a possibility to actually update an existing translation. So I was wondering, if there is a way to report incorrect translations - should I just report it as a bug?

By the way, the translations I am referring to are:

1. 'Tags' is (almost) consistently translated as 'örter' instead of 'Wörter'.

2. The string 'submitintro' which is presented in module/lti/submission.php contains a link to create a new view/collection. In the German translation the URL is given as '<a href=„%sview/index.php“ >' rather than <a href="%sview/index.php" >'. The difference is the quotation marks. The German version uses the German quotation marks rather than " ". That makes the link point to an invalid URL.

Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4894

03 May 2021, 13:33

Hi Alexej,

Thank you for improving the German translation. If you or somebody else only suggests changes, then someone who has full access, i.e. is a member of the translation team, would need to approve those strings first before they make it into the language pack.

At which version of Mahara are you looking? The most recent one (at least since March 2020) uses 'Tags' instead of 'Wörter'.



Alexej Rotar's profile picture
Posts: 7

04 May 2021, 1:00

Hi Kristina,

thanks for the quick answer. I am using version 20.10 and I installed the langpack in April, so I thought it was quite recent. Anyways, I just checked the most recent langpack, and in some places 'Tags' is now translated 'Tags', as you said. However, I can find more places where 'Tags' is translated differently: Sometimes it's 'ort' (again 'Wort' without 'W'), such as in the string 'deletetagdescription', and sometimes it's 'Schlagwort', such as in the string 'editthistag'. While the former is an actual typo, 'Schlagwort' is a reasonable translation. Still, it's somewhat inconsistent seeing 'Tag' in some places and 'Schlagwort' in others.

In order to quickly find the problemtaic strings i ran: grep -Eir '(tag.*[^w]ort[e ])|([^w]örter)|(schlagw[oö]rt)'

Maybe you will find it helpful. Not sure if outputs all the relevant places though.



Ralf Hilgenstock's profile picture
Posts: 162

03 May 2021, 17:32

Hello Alexej,


thanks for the information about these issues. I've corrected them. Can you please countercheck.


Alexej Rotar's profile picture
Posts: 7

04 May 2021, 1:12

Hi Ralf,

thanks for the quick reaction. I just checked. The translation of Tags is mostly fine, but not always - see my reply to Kristina's post for details. The 'submitintro' string still has an incorrect ' “ ' symbol (upper quotation mark - Unicode: U+201C) at the end of the URL, again making it invalid. Moreover, I found many more instances of German quotation marks. Mostly, they can be found in plain text, so that might actually be the desired translation. But there are places where those are used in HTML attributes, such as style or class, which most likely yields incorrectly rendered elements.

I ran grep -r [$'\u201C'$'\u201E'] in the langpacks directory to find all of them.

Best Regards,


Ralf Hilgenstock's profile picture
Posts: 162

04 May 2021, 4:17

Hi Alex,


I've changed all 'ort' in  Trunc serious.  Can you create an account at Launchpad to correct the other issues. I will concentrate on the missing translations for 21.04 now



Alexej Rotar's profile picture
Posts: 7

04 May 2021, 5:45

Hi Ralf,

Thanks! I already suggested some corrections, e.g. for the 'submitintro' string and some of the tag strings. I will try to suggest corrections for all the other issues I can find soon.



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