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Impossible to configure LDAP authentication plugin

Luca Porcaro's profile picture
Posts: 6

16 March 2021, 8:52


I cannot find a solution for my problem: I have installed Mahara 19.10 one year ago, now my client asked me to activate LDAP authentication. The problem is that in the Istitution configuration I see an error message,

(see screen "mahara ldap" - sorry but this forum doesn't allow me to add links or images because I'm a new user)

But in my Linux server the LDAP is active!

(screen "servizio LDAP attivo")

On the admin plugin page there is the list of auth plugin, and near the LDAP there is no gear to configurate.

(screen "plugin config")

(Sorry for the italian screenshots)

Please, help me!


  • mahara ldap.png
  • Servizio LDAP attivo.png
  • plugin config.png
Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4894

17 March 2021, 8:04

Hi Luca,

The first screenshot, mahara_ldap.png alludes to the problem. You are missing the correct PHP extension for LDAP. Please double check that you have the correct plugin installed on your server for the version of PHP that you are using. Depending on your version of PHP, it might not be php-ldap but include a version number. Once the correct version of the PHP plugin is installed, the LDAP authentication plugin will be displayed as active.

There is no configuration needed in the plugin administration like for SAML.

Thank you


Luca Porcaro's profile picture
Posts: 6

02 April 2021, 11:27

Thank you Kristina, you were right: the problem was on my server provider, Aruba, that doesn't allow the LDAP module on a shared hosting, but only in Dedicated Server or Virtual Cloud Server (more and more expensive). They write on documentation that the module is installed but it is not true, their own tech service told me to change server!

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