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Avoiding direct replies to email notifications

kalli benetos's profile picture
Posts: 22

10 February 2021, 5:59


When Mahara (version 20.04.1) emails notifications (messages, forum posts, etc) it uses the system admin's email ([email protected]) and the user's name as sender (not the system admin name, e.g. 'maharaWebmaster'). So as most users' email software do not show the address, just the sender's name, and do not read the "reply to this post in online" message at the bottom, our webmaster keeps getting the replies.

Is there a way to automatically replace the user's name with "maharaWebmaster" or something of the sort, for all emails sent from Mahara, to get people to realize that this is an automatic notification to which they can only reply by connecting to Mahara? Where in the administration settings can this be changed (assuming it can)?

Many thanks in advance,

:) kalli

Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4884

12 February 2021, 9:34

Hi kalli,

Afraid that is not possible. Mahara uses the email address that is configured in the site options (Admin menu -> Configure site -> Site options -> Email settings). You could change that to a different address and put an out-of-office reply in place telling students to reply in Mahara.



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