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How do I add staff?

Howard Miller's profile picture
Posts: 191

15 January 2021, 4:01

Mahara 20.10


I want to add some staff. I click the option in site admin but it comes up for the wrong Institution. There is no option to change the institution. Am I missing something?

  • Screenshot 2021-01-14 at 14.58.34.png
Cecilia Vela's profile picture
Posts: 110

18 January 2021, 13:09

Hi Howard,

In order to add a staff member to an institution, try to add the user to the institution as normal member first. This way they should be displayed in the 'Institution members' from the image you've attached. Once you see the user there, you can select them to be staff members.



Howard Miller's profile picture
Posts: 191

21 January 2021, 4:03

The accounts already exist in a Institution just not the one shown. I can't find any way to switch to another institution to add staff there. It seems stuck on one institution (one I no longer use - hence it being empty)

Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4739

21 January 2021, 9:01

Hi Howard,

If you do not have a drop-down menu, then you do not have any other institutions on your site. If the account holders you want to add as staff are not in that institution, you will need to add them to the institution first. Only then will they be visible for to add as staff.

Alternatively, if it is just one account, go to the person's account settings page in the admin area and give them staff permissions there.



Howard Miller's profile picture
Posts: 191

21 January 2021, 22:34

Hi Kristina,

Please see two attached screenshots. One shows that I do indeed have more than one Institution. One shows that I don't have a dropdown to select between them.

As an aside, I've never been able to delete the other institution. When I try it says that it has 11 members - even though the settings page shows 0. Sigh....

There are 11 records in the table usr_institution. They are all very old (12 years) and all link to deleted user accounts in the usr table. 

  • Screenshot 2021-01-21 at 09.31.47.png
  • Screenshot 2021-01-21 at 09.32.20.png
Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4739

22 January 2021, 8:48

Hi Howard,

Thank you for the screenshots. 'No institution' doesn't count as 'real' institution as it is the site level. So you can't move people in and out like you do with another institution, but will need to give them staff permissions via Admin menu -> People -> site staff.

As for the accounts in your test institution: You can't delete the institution even though nobody is in there any more because I suspect that some people that are now in 'No institution' still have an authentication method connecting them to the institution. That will need to be corrected before you can remove that institution. Since it is very old accounts you are talking about, I suspect that the removal of an authentication instance for an account didn't quite work well at some point on your site. Once you clean up that data, you will be able to remove it.



Howard Miller's profile picture
Posts: 191

22 January 2021, 10:11

Quite right - I was looking in the wrong place to add staff. Thanks for that. 

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