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News / terms and conditions and privacy changes

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Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4812

14 January 2021, 8:22

Hi everyone,

Today we published updated terms and conditions and the privacy statement, which are valid for and When you log in the next time, you will be asked to review them. If you do not accept one or both of these updated conditions, an email is triggered to us automatically so we can discuss your concerns.

What are the changes?

Terms and conditions

  • New section 'Governing Law' to make the jurisdiction a bit more explicit, but no change in jurisdiction.
  • Liability changed from NZ$10 to NZ$0.

Privacy statement

  • Data is not stored in the U.S.A. but instead in Aotearoa New Zealand.
  • Added the postal address for the Data Privacy Officer for countries apart from the EU.
  • Updated the postal address for the Data Privacy Officer for the EU.

Thank you


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