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"The text you have selected is not editable on this page"

Howard Miller's profile picture
Posts: 191

22 August 2020, 1:26

A view with some blocks on it. The view goes into edit mode without problems

When the student tries to edit some of the blocks they get the above message. I've had a dig about in the database - they own the view. It's not been submitted or locked. The only thing I could see is that the 'artefact' table the block links to is owned by the student but the id in the author field is somebody else. 

I've hit a brick wall with this. What is the reason for that message or what else can I do to debug the problem?

Version 19.04

Robert Lyon's profile picture
Posts: 762

24 August 2020, 8:47

Hi Howard,

It looks like you get that message if one of the following rules are in play:

- if an artefact owner does not match view owner
- or if artefact group does not match view group
- or if artefact institution does not match view institution
- or if artefact is locked
- or if the artefact has a parent artefact and they can't view or edit the parent artefact
- or if a group artefact that belongs to a group they are not in
- or if a group artefact that has permissions that user's role not high enough to see
- or if a group artefact that is in a group that is not active

Hope that helps


Howard Miller's profile picture
Posts: 191

24 August 2020, 20:58

Ok - so it would appear to be the first one, "if an artefact owner does not match view owner"

How could that happen? And what's the safe way to fix it?

Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4739

29 November 2020, 10:06

Hi Howard,

Did the student copy the page from somebody else, a group, institution, or site? Who was the owner who was listed?



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