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Mahara/Moodle integration /
New version of Moodle submission plugin

Julian Elve's profile picture
Posts: 7

17 July 2020, 3:36

Hi Kristina,

We were very excited to hear about the improved "webservices" version of the Mahara => Moodle  submission plugin, and have implemented it on our site today.

I see that when adding the option for a Mahara submission to an assignment you have to enter the OAuth credentials for Mahara. Is there any way of persisting these so that course authors don't need to access this sensitive information? I can see endless errors with non-tech course authors putting the wrong things in...

if I should ask this over in Github please say!



Julian Elve's profile picture
Posts: 7

17 July 2020, 22:19

We've modified the plugin to provide the option for global setting of Mahara credentials.

I've posted a pull request to Github (This site won't allow me to post the link)



Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4812

20 July 2020, 14:50

Hi Julian,

Thank you very much for this functionality change. That would have been next on my wish list for the plugin. :-) I'll remove the spam protection from your account.

We'll look at your pull request as soon as possible and give it a go on our testing platform.

Many thanks for this great enhancement



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