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Mahara: Invalid Parameter A required parameter is missing or malformed

28 April 2020, 20:25

Hi, my name is Luis, I'm a newbie admin of Moodle and Mahara.  I have a trouble with moodle-mahara communication.  The error is "Mahara: Invalid Parameter A required parameter is missing or malformed"

The information about this question is:

Moodle version 3.5.9

Mahara version 18.04 in use (there are material here)

This apps in different machines.  Actually, we use docker and this apps are in different docker/machine

Moodle configuration: 

the public key is similar to the mahara

The public IP is the same in both apps

How do I fix the error? 

Thanks for your time...


Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4736

01 May 2020, 9:20

Hello Luis,

Welcome to the community.

Can you please provide some additional information? How are you setting up the connection between Moodle and Mahara? I think it is via LTI, but I'd like you to confirm. If it is LTI, did you follow the instructions in the Mahara manual (I'm linking to the 20.04 one because there the steps are a bit clearer compared to some earlier versions).



Andi Becker's profile picture
Posts: 68

28 June 2021, 19:08

We have actually the same error but are not even connected to Moodle until now. We simply go to the Dashboard and try to call any link by clicking EDIT (available in those three vertical dots) when you edit the Dashboard page. The result is that error:

[Screenshot was here]

Mahara 20.04 on Ubuntu latest LTS

There was a screenshot but we can't post it here as we receive the error: Sorry, anonymous or newly registered people aren't allowed to post links. Please reword your post to remove any links or URLs and try again. 

I suggest you enable the screenshots in the posts as it is much better to see what people are talking about rather than always have to download the attached files - which does not make sense at all - as it is frustrating to do so!


  • Screen Shot 2021-06-28 at 13.58.29.png
Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4736

04 July 2021, 20:34

Hi Andi,

I can't replicate the problem you encounter on the demo site. Did you add any customisations to your site that might be interfering? If you are using Mahara 20.04 (or any other supported version of Mahara), please make sure you are on the latest minor point release.



Andi Becker's profile picture
Posts: 68

05 July 2021, 19:23

It is related to clean URLs and it got fixed in the latest release from Github.

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