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Peer Assessment block doesn't function as expected

Shen Zhang's profile picture
Posts: 87

10 January 2020, 16:51


We are doing some testing for the 19.10.1 version of Mahara. The Peer Assessment block seems to be very interesting. However, it doesn't work as per the instruction from the Mahara Manual:

"If the peer assessment block is used in conjunction with the sign-off block, the portfolio author must sign off the page before anybody other than themselves and the peer assessor can see published peer assessments."

When I share the page with two "peers", when one peer provide feedback (testing account Lisa Ransom), the other (testing account Shen Zhang Student) not only can see the feedback, but also be able to delete it. Please see the screenshot below for details:

Peer Assessment block.png


Are we missing anything here? Can you please advise?

Kind regards


Robert Lyon's profile picture
Posts: 778

13 January 2020, 8:47

Hi Shen,

Thank you for reporting this - it does look to be a bug and so I'll make a bug report for it



Shen Zhang's profile picture
Posts: 87

13 January 2020, 10:33

Thank you Robert. Will you update this post once the bug is fixed please?

Kind regards


Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4882

13 January 2020, 13:48

Hi Shen,

You can subscribe to the item on Launchpad where you will then receive a notification when the status has been updated.

Thank you


Robert Lyon's profile picture
Posts: 778

13 January 2020, 16:08

Hi Shen,

I've added a fix for this problem here



Shen Zhang's profile picture
Posts: 87

15 January 2020, 9:07

Thanks Robert. 

We've applied the fix on our testing server as below by replacing the line in red by the line in green:

Peer Assessment changes.png


However, this didn't help. The block displayed feedbacks as well as the delete buttons for other users.

Have we made the correct fix?

Kind regards


Robert Lyon's profile picture
Posts: 778

21 January 2020, 7:56

Hi Shen,

If the other user is also an admin they will still see the delete buttons. Do you see the delete buttons when the other user is not an admin?



Shen Zhang's profile picture
Posts: 87

22 January 2020, 21:07

Thanks Robert. 

Here are the steps for our testing:

· Logged in as a student called “Sample”

· Created a page

· Added the Peer Assessment block

· Added the Sign off block – with the settings: Sign off "Yes", Verify "No"

· Shared the page with 2 different student logins. (Demo Student and shenstud – Shen Zhang Student)

· Gave them both the Peer role.


Logged in as the Demo Student login.

· Clicked on Add peer assessment and posted a feedback


Logged in as the shenstud student account

Can see the comment from Demo Student – delete button is not appearing

Peer assessment A.png

Logged in as Demo student login and can see comments from Shen Zhang student

Peer assessment B.png


Have I tested it correctly?


Kind regards


Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4882

23 January 2020, 8:34

Hi Shen,

As far as I can see from your screenshots, shenstudent sees a delete button for their feedback and DemoStudent sees the delete button on their own feedback, but not on the shenstudent feedback. That is correct.



Shen Zhang's profile picture
Posts: 87

24 January 2020, 16:08

Thanks Kristina

From what I can gather from the Manual, “this block allows someone to give BLIND FEEDBACK”.  The way I understand this, is if 2 peers are giving feedback to a page author, that they can’t see each others comments?

If this is not the case, what does BLIND FEEDBACK mean in this case?

Kind regards


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