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Happy holidays 2019

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Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4812

24 December 2019, 10:49

Kia ora,

2019 was another exciting year for the Mahara community. We had two very large releases with lots of usability improvements and new features and could learn from each other on making good use of portfolios. Many of you have shared how they use Mahara at events around the globe and in the Mahara newsletter.

We look forward to continuing to support you in the next decade and further the idea of using portfolios to evidence learning experiences.

Have a wonderful end to 2019 and the decade and a good start into the new one. And if you are planning on coming to Wellington, please let us know. We'd love to meet you in person.


on behalf of the Mahara core team

Mahara team holiday greetings with a detail of a pōhutukawa in bloom

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