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Plugin Competency Moodle-Mahara

08 October 2019, 20:51

To date, unless I am mistaken, there is no division of powers between
the two platforms, the plugins found are Moodle_Assigment_Mahara which
deals with portfolio ratings to an integrated teacher
Moodle or the IENA plugin on Moodle's links to Mahara, for a group of students and
its professors are established on the 2 platforms (accounts + homework and
activities on Mahara and Moodle: Reference to IENA plugins created by
Softia company for the University of Lorraine).

Thus, the values ​​conveyed by the University of Reims would be to create
a skill sharing of students publish in Moodle push towards the
Mahara platform, and that it be integrated with Mahara's SmartEvidence.

At this moment, the University of Reims is planning a plugin work
allowing this sharing of skills between the two platforms allowing
Moodle pushed the data to Mahara and present them on
the SmartEvidence of Mahara.
The position of the University of Reims therefore
ensure the passage of competence between the two platforms.

For all the requests mentioned, do you have any advice, ideas or inspiration to carry out this project ?

09 October 2019, 21:55

Which direction to take for the passage of competence between the 2 platforms ? (skill plugin, LTI skill) ?

Best regard.


Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4736

10 October 2019, 8:00

Hi Antoine,

At Catalyst we started a project to enable the transfer of competencies from Totara to Mahara using web services. This project is still in progress. You can find the changes to where we have gotten for the Mahara side linked on the wishlist item. You are welcome to take a look at them and see how they can help your case to connect to Moodle competencies.

In our scenario, we are going to set up competencies in Totara and then push them to Mahara for creation of a SmartEvidence framework. In the wider picture, the functionality will allow us to align individual artefacts to a SmartEvidence competency.




Kemoko KEITA's profile picture
Posts: 12

22 September 2021, 18:36

Hi Kristina


In my case, I am using the SmartEvidence in Mahara, after uploading the SmartEvidence framework to Mahara, Student will be able to linked these framework to their collection and then to send for evaluation to a group.

What I want to know, is there any way to let students and teachers to see what element in the referential is already evaluated and what remain to evaluate ? I mean the summary of the evaluation for a student can be seen by himself and by any teacher ?

After an evaluation that will check student has already done with this referential, and the teacher can see that too.


Thank you in advance




Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4736

27 September 2021, 9:05

Hi Kemoko,

SmartEvidence has the overview page where students and also teachers can see which elements have already been assessed. When a student determines that their page is ready for assessment, they would annotate it and the symbol turns into a blue ring. Then the teacher can check it out and make their assessment. They need staff permissions to see the assessment option. They then select one of three statuses that are visually represented and thus indicate to students and other teachers where the status of the evidence is at.

You can view a presentation that outlines the workflow (the second slide has the link to the recording).

Thank you


Kemoko KEITA's profile picture
Posts: 12

28 September 2021, 2:50

Hi kristina


Thank you for your answer.

Now I can see for a student. Is there a possibility to see for all students one screen ? Maybe in a big table


Cheers Kemoko

Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4736

30 September 2021, 8:32

Hi Kemoko,

That would be a great feature to implement for sure. So far it's only an idea that is waiting for funding.

Thank you


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