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Mahara/Moodle integration /

08 October 2019, 20:20

I wanted to know for one of the possible LTI or MNET connections in place between Mahara-Moodle.

Do you know in the near future, if these integration standards will be stopped for any of these LTI or MNET connections ?

Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4796

08 October 2019, 23:00

Hi Antoine,

The Mahara core team focussed its efforts on LTI and expanding on that or using general web services between Moodle and Mahara to integrate the two rather than improving or extending the MNet protocol. We are not going to deprecate MNet in the next few releases as many people still depend on it.

If you are setting up a new site an do not require the transfer of Moodle content to Mahara, e.g. forum posts, assignment documents, then I suggest looking into setting up LTI instead of MNet and giving that a go. At the moment, we do not have a replacement for the portfolio transfer to Mahara and it will continue to rely on MNet for the foreseeable future. However, as far as I know, that feature is not heavily used (if anyone is using it and disagrees, please sing out) and thus our development focus has been on LTI from Moodle to Mahara and getting the assignment submission to work.



09 October 2019, 21:41

Hi Kristina

Thanks for the information.

I wanted to know everything that is set up in the exchanges with the LTI protocol ?


Best regards.


Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4796

11 October 2019, 7:46

Hi Antoine,

You can see in the Mahara manual what you can do with LTI at the moment.



Julian Elve's profile picture
Posts: 7

24 June 2020, 21:42

Hi Kristina

Portfolio transfer from Moodle to Mahara is very much in our minds, and is one of the reasons we are deploying the two applications with integration.

The thinking is that we intend to offer e-portfolio to our members, and alongside that if they purchase one of our online CPD modules we want them to be able to add evidence from that into their portfolio. (As an aside we are also thinking about how we extend the current state of SmartEvidence.)

So we would upvote including portfolio transfer from Moodle to Mahara into LTI before you deprecate MNet.




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