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Workflow automation in Docker szenario for Plugin-Verification

Tobias Zeuch's profile picture
Posts: 111

26 July 2019, 21:50


I'm trying to build  a Docker setup for plugin-verification after Mahara-Core releases. Background is that I created a plugin some time ago and recently I noticed that it doesn't work any more with the newest Mahara-Core releases.

There are some things now that I would like to automate (probably using scripts in the docker-image that are executed after startup)

  1. Automatic activation/installation of plugins: I can copy the plugin code into the image using docker, but right now I always have to browse to the plugin-management-page to activate the plugin manually
  2. Import of a LEAN-export: The idea is to have a page with my blocktype-plugin on it exported in the LEAN-format. When I import that, I could then browse to the page and see, if the configured plugin with connection to an existing calendar is rendering successfully

I had a look at the cli-commands but there are only a few of them and they don't seem to cover what I need. But I wonder, how the things are automated for the Behat tests, for example.

Anyone has any ideas or hints?

Best regards

Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4739

28 August 2019, 8:32

Hi Tobias,

I don't have an answer, but just wanted to link to your page where you have some more details about your Docker setup and the images itself in case someone wants to take it up and look further into it.

Thank you


Fin Perlak's profile picture
Posts: 1

27 November 2020, 3:59

Hi...we are also trying to establish CI/CD process for DataPower and exploring tools like UrbanCode Deploy or DCM / DPBuddy with Jenkins. Were you able to make any progress on this? Would appreciate if you can share your experience.

Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4739

28 November 2020, 18:40

Hi Fin,

Mahara 20.10 comes with Docker support. Please see the Readme file in the Docker directory. Let us know how the installation goes. It is expected that you already have the Docker infrastructure itself running and know what you are doing in Docker. It is the first foray into this and thus the instructions may still need to be updated or expanded. You are welcome to contribute to them and let us know how you go.

Thank you


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