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How to get Twitter and Instagram to Work on Rev 18.04

16 July 2019, 6:34


I am attempting to get Twitter and Instagram to work in Mahara rev 18.04.

I have added both and to the Allowed iframe sources. 

For Twitter: I have used the external media block, html block and to no avail I receive link the viewer needs to click on instead of showing the top 4 feeds using both blocks.

Here is the code for twitter: <a class="twitter-timeline" href="">Tweets by PSHerbarium</a> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script> 

For the external media, I placed <iframe> around the code.

For Instagram: I have used the external media block. It just gives me a blank block.

Here is the code for instagram: <iframe src='' frameborder='0' width='100%' height='1000'></iframe>

Is there any way to get these to show embedded?




23 July 2019, 1:51


Does anyone have some ideas how to get Twitter and Instagram to work in Mahara rev 18.04?



Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4739

26 July 2019, 5:35

Hi Melinda,

Neither Twitter nor Instagram have iframe embed code. Putting the iframe tag around a widget will unfortunately not do the trick as it's a bit more complicated. There is a plugin for a Twitter timeline, but it hasn't been updated in a number of years.

Theoretically, you can embed Instagram posts via Embedly, but I just noticed while testing this that the Embedly URL has changed.

I made a bug report for it at but we don't yet have an ETA for when it will get fixed.

I could not use the iframe code from SociableKIT that you had provided and only got the following message on blue background: "Customized feed is powered by SociableKIT. If you're the owner of this website, there is something wrong with your account. Please contact support now to fix this issue. " It seems that one needs to be logged into their website.



Patric Lougheed's profile picture
Posts: 97

26 July 2019, 9:19

Using links from Instagram and Twitter are working fine for me in 18.04.


Ramón Ovelar's profile picture
Posts: 22

29 July 2019, 19:56


I've been testing embedly free options (the ones I can normally suggest to my users) and I`m just managing to insert in my Mahara's pages links to my accounts or hashtags, but any stream of content. Just the same if I use Twitter publish options. I imagine that you are using premium Embedly for getting these cards, isn't it?

Thanks in advance,


Screenshot_2019-07-29 Prueba de blog - eGelaPortfolio(1).png

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