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Possible bug? Page template missing, how can i get it back?

Andreas Zitek's profile picture
Posts: 9

24 April 2019, 9:16

Hello! I unfortunately moved the page template imto a collection. Now it is not available any more. Is there a possibility to get the template back? Is this a bug? I guess it should not be possible to loose the page template..

Thank you!



Robert Lyon's profile picture
Posts: 778

24 April 2019, 11:25

Hi Andreas,

You should be able to edit your collection and remove the page by following the 'manage' link and removing the page.

But I'm not sure how you were able to add a site's page template into a collection? What were the steps you took?



Andreas Zitek's profile picture
Posts: 9

24 April 2019, 17:10

Hello! Yes I can remove it, but then it is just a page (white) and not a template any more...I prepared a collection to be copied to the new users, then I did not a copy of the template but directly have put the template into a collection. When I remove it, it is not a template any I cannot create a new page. This results in an error, that no template is existing.



Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4894

26 April 2019, 14:55

Hi Andreas,

Do you mean that you can't copy the page anymore when it is not in the collection? If that's the case, then you can go to the sharing permissions and the "Advanced options" to put the copying back in.

If that is not the case, can you please make a screencast to show us the problem? That should show us better what might be going on.

Thank you


Andreas Zitek's profile picture
Posts: 9

08 May 2019, 1:08

Dear Kristina!

I send you some screenshots - and we were able to re-create the page template. 

1) we were not able to create a new page (error attached, screenshot 1), as I have moved the page template in "configure site", "pages and collections" a collection.

2) Then I moved the page out of collection again, but it did not become a template any more (screenshot 2)

3) We found a problem in the database - in template the number was changed to 1 - but to be a template i needs to be "2" (see screenshot 3).


1.Error message.PNG

2. Template not available.PNG


Screenshot_2019-04-30 localhost localhost mahara_local view phpMyAdmin 4 8 2.png

THIS IS A CREENSHOT WITH THE WRONG ENTRY "1" in the template field in the database

WrongScreenshot_2019-05-07 intrinsic boku ac at localhost intrinsic_02 view phpMyAdmin 4 6 6deb4.png

Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4894

12 May 2019, 11:30

Great that you could resolve the issue, Andreas.



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