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No notification is sent when a page has been shared

ICT PH Zug's profile picture
Posts: 3

22 June 2018, 0:19

When a user shares a page with a specific person, we expect that the latter person receives an email notification informing that a page has been shared with him. Unfortunately this notification is not sent and thus the person does not notice that a page has been shared with him unless he loggs in into Mahara and checks under "shared with me". This quite annoying because our lecturers are expecting students to share the result of their work and don't get informed.

The settings in mahara are in my opinion configured to enable this kind of notification. Under site options/ Notification settings  all fields are set to email including "New page access". And still the notification is not sent.

Sending notification to a person through mahara works just fine. So it is not a problem of not being able to send mails in mahara.

Am I missing something to make this work?

Thanks for your hints.

Best Regards


Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4884

26 June 2018, 22:34


Did you check that the student(s) didn't turn off notifications in their own settings? Only because the default is set to email doesn't mean that they have to leave it that way. This would be under the user menu -> Settings -> Notifications.

If those settings are fine, does the problem affect everyone or just a few students? If it's only a few and they definitely have notifications sent via email, did they check their spam folder?




Robert Lyon's profile picture
Posts: 778

09 July 2018, 14:17

Notifications about changes to page access are added to the activity_queue table and are not sent out instantly.  Instead the notices are sent out with at least 5 minutes delay and are done in chunks.

My local tests do show that a user is notified when another user shares a page with them.

So for you issue, if there are lots of items in the activity_queue table then it could take a while for the notice to be got to and processed.

Also, if the cron is not running correctly it probably will not be processing the activity_queue.



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