Forums | Mahara Community
Mail to all group members
21 June 2018, 9:37
is it possible in mahara as an admin to send a mail/notification to all members of a group? Any normal message via blog or forum could be rejected by a member in the preferences. However, I would like to send important messages to all group members.
Thanks for any assistance.
26 June 2018, 22:52
Hello Marco,
At the moment, there is no one-click option to send mails to all group members. The only out-of-the-box possibility would be the forum post where everyone is automatically subscribed to the new forum. However, of course they could unsubscribe after the first post.
If your group is small enough and everyone can see who received the message, you could use the regular mail functionality of Mahara and select the names to be included in the mail.
There is already a wishlist item for this functionality at if you want to weigh in there with your opinion.