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Journal entries: time stamping

16 March 2018, 0:58


My institution is still using Mahara 16.04 and I have observed that when a Journal entry is first created and saved it is time stamped. However, if this entry is edited and saved again later, the date and time remains the same and is NOT updated to reflect the point at which the changes were saved. As this is contrary to the way various blogging tools I am familiar with work, could you please say whether this is:

  1.  How Mahara is designed to work?
  2.  A setting I can change?
  3.  A bug?  

Also, would the answers to these questions be different or irrelevant in more recent versions of Mahara?

Thank you for clarifying this aspect of Journal functionality. 

Best wishes,


Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4739

19 March 2018, 16:58

Hello Karen,

The functionality to see the date when a journal entry was modified has been added in Mahara 17.04:




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