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Exporting and importing Mahara database

Stitou Sophie's profile picture
Posts: 15

10 March 2018, 1:40


I'm tring to make a  local install of my mahara site (the first one is blocked by an update). 

I've made the export of the database.

Now when i import in phpmyadmin i've this error and all the tables relevant to user are not imported ! : 

Requête SQL :

CREATE TRIGGER `mhcb_update_unread_delete2_trigger` AFTER DELETE ON `mhcb_module_multirecipient_userrelation` FOR EACH ROW BEGIN

                   IF = '0' AND OLD.role = 'recipient' THEN

                    UPDATE "mhcb_usr" SET unread = unread - 1 WHERE id = OLD.usr;

                END IF;


MySQL a répondu :

#1064 - Erreur de syntaxe près de '"mhcb_usr" SET unread = unread - 1 WHERE id = OLD.usr;
                END IF;
' à la ligne 4


Help please what can i do ?

Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4729
Stitou Sophie's profile picture
Posts: 15

12 March 2018, 18:34

I m not with MariaDb, i m with mysql

Stitou Sophie's profile picture
Posts: 15

17 March 2018, 20:01

I've resolved this problem : in the file SQL to import, must editing it and change " in the db name by '.

But : 

i've imported the Dtabase, i ve 2 new installations : one with version 17 and one with 18.

i've import my maaharadata

in have configuring my config.php but i'm always diriged to the upgrade page and 

for the 17 version : the message is

for the 18 version : the system is in 18 and fail to update (normal..) 

i guess some file/data  lock to the upgrade page, 

i ve the same problem on my production site, have a idear



Cecilia Vela's profile picture
Posts: 110

26 April 2018, 16:01

Hi Sophie,

When you say you configured your config.php file, did you add/change the following setting?

$cfg->productionmode = false;

If you haven't yet, after changing it try the upgrade again, that could give you more information about the specific error you are having in each instance.

If you are working on production, don't forget to change the value back to

$cfg->productionmode = true;


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