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Insert Math tool

07 March 2018, 6:05


How can I insert a mathematical formula with the Insert Math tool?

Thank you


Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4894

07 March 2018, 8:14

Hello Josep,

You will need to activate the MathJax plugin first in Administration -> Configure site -> General settings.

Then you'll have an extra icon in the visual editor. Click the downwards arrow / "Toggle toolbar" icon and you'll see the formula editor icon displayed.

When you click on it, it may take a couple of seconds to load the editor. Then you can enter your formulas. If you are unfamiliar with TeX commands, you could check a tutorial on how to write formulas. There are bound to be other when you do an online search to help you get started.




07 March 2018, 9:43


I have followed his steps. The equation icon appears. I click on the icon. A popup window of the mathematical formula editor appears. But it appears blank and I can not write anything.
I tried to add an image to this post to see what appears, but I could not add it by: "Sorry, anonymous or newly registered users are not allowed to post links. Please reword your post to remove any links or URLs and try again. "

What I can do?

Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4894

07 March 2018, 16:55

Hello Josep,

I did some more testing and saw that it doesn't load on an https site. Initially, I tested locally on an http site. Thus, if you have an SSL certificate for your site, it's a known issue that was reported at There is no fix yet that we are aware of.




07 March 2018, 20:35

OK. Thank you

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