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New European Union User Rights (GDPR)

Gregor Pirker's profile picture
Posts: 9

12 January 2018, 4:53

Dear Developers,

I hope all have a nice start in this year :-).

Yesterday, I had a meeting with the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) specialist. In this meeting we talked about Mahara and we have analyzed, how fit is Mahara for the comming new user rights on 25 May 2018. 

All in all it looks very good, but 2 things are very problematic. 

1.) The normal User creation by a admin.

2.) The User CSV upload. 

the normal selfregistration is okay

Reason: In this two ways, the user will never asked whether he will or not. The account will created. This is on 25 May not allowed. The same thing is by CSV Upload but there is the option that the user will not informed about his new account. This is also not allowed after 25 May. The user must also accept the "Terms and conditions" . This doesen´t come if I create a user manually. 

Solution: He suggests: The User creation in both ways should look like:

1.) The admin created a new user account

2.) The User will get a mail with the Info for Example " On the Mahara xyz will be created a new account for you in the Institution xyz. If you confirm please click on the following link to activate your account. if not the account will be automatical deleted in 2-4 weeks."

3.) if he/she click on the Link it should come, after the "First Login" and before he/she comes to the profil, the Terms and conditions. This one must be accepted before the user can start. (it can be also on the same site with the password change)

But I must say not every school or University in Europe need this because for Example: My University has this information about a account in Mahara in the contract. This one must every student sign before they will study. But all national Mahara´s will need this like Maybe you can make this way as a option in the sitesettings and site administrator can decide to use this or not.

At the moment I must trust all teachers that they inform the students and they must accept that they want a account on and the Terms and conditions and I will not trust on it, that all teacher will do the correct way.  

If you wish more informations for this are the following article important: 6, 7, 8, 12, 13, 14, 15

 I hope this Informations can help you

Best wishes


Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4736

15 January 2018, 8:23

Hi Gregor,

I'll post a reply in the GDPR forum topic that we already have to keep things in one place. :-)




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