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Unable to Upgrade to 17.10.1 from 17.04.4

Stitou Sophie's profile picture
Posts: 15

09 March 2018, 19:27

No idea ??? i must put mahara in trash and forget it ?

Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4739

10 March 2018, 17:23

Hello Sophie,

Help via the forums is provided on best effort basis by community members and the Mahara core team.

You could try installing Mahara 18.04RC1, which includes the latest codebase of Mahara including the patch that Robert had pointed out and see if that worked better. At minimum you should upgrade to 17.10.3 plus the patch as that is the latest security release for the 17.10 release.

Do all that on the test site though first so as not to jeopardize your production instance.

If you don't yet have a production instance, you could try using PostgreSQL as database instead of the version of MariaDB that you use and conclude the installation.





Stitou Sophie's profile picture
Posts: 15

19 March 2018, 2:29


without response i ve try ti debug my site

now the site is partially up...(i've received notifications send before the crash)

i see informations in my dashbord, students to but we can't access to our content : document and page and collection.

i can't access to the admin panel of the institution.


this is my error.log (and at the end the /lib/error.log


[16-Mar-2018 13:21:52 Europe/Paris] [DBG] b8 (lib/dml.php:157) mysqli error: [1050: Table 'mhcb_testtable' already exists] in EXECUTE("CREATE TABLE "mhcb_testtable" (testcolumn INT);")Command was: CREATE TABLE "mhcb_testtable" (testcolumn INT);
[16-Mar-2018 13:21:52 Europe/Paris] [WAR] b8 (lib/errors.php:859) Could not execute command: CREATE TABLE "mhcb_testtable" (testcolumn INT);
[16-Mar-2018 13:21:52 Europe/Paris] Call stack (most recent first):
[16-Mar-2018 13:21:52 Europe/Paris] * log_message(string(size 74), integer, true, true) at /home/sio57/
[16-Mar-2018 13:21:52 Europe/Paris] * log_warn(string(size 74)) at /home/sio57/
[16-Mar-2018 13:21:52 Europe/Paris] * SQLException->__construct(string(size 74)) at /home/sio57/
[16-Mar-2018 13:21:52 Europe/Paris] * execute_sql(string(size 47)) at /home/sio57/
[16-Mar-2018 13:21:52 Europe/Paris] * mysql_has_trigger_privilege() at /home/sio57/
[16-Mar-2018 13:21:52 Europe/Paris] * ensure_upgrade_sanity() at /home/sio57/
[16-Mar-2018 13:21:52 Europe/Paris] * require("/home/sio57/") at /home/sio57/
[16-Mar-2018 13:21:52 Europe/Paris]
[16-Mar-2018 13:21:52 Europe/Paris] [WAR] b8 (lib/dml.php:158) Could not execute command: CREATE TABLE "mhcb_testtable" (testcolumn INT);
[16-Mar-2018 13:21:52 Europe/Paris] Call stack (most recent first):
[16-Mar-2018 13:21:52 Europe/Paris] * execute_sql(string(size 47)) at /home/sio57/
[16-Mar-2018 13:21:52 Europe/Paris] * mysql_has_trigger_privilege() at /home/sio57/
[16-Mar-2018 13:21:52 Europe/Paris] * ensure_upgrade_sanity() at /home/sio57/
[16-Mar-2018 13:21:52 Europe/Paris] * require("/home/sio57/") at /home/sio57/
[16-Mar-2018 13:21:52 Europe/Paris]
[16-Mar-2018 13:21:52 Europe/Paris] [WAR] b8 (lib/mahara.php:2742) Trying to get property of non-object
[16-Mar-2018 13:21:52 Europe/Paris] Call stack (most recent first):
[16-Mar-2018 13:21:52 Europe/Paris] * log_message(string(size 36), integer, true, true, string(size 51), integer) at /home/sio57/
[16-Mar-2018 13:21:52 Europe/Paris] * error(integer, string(size 36), string(size 51), integer, array(size 2)) at /home/sio57/
[16-Mar-2018 13:21:52 Europe/Paris] * pieform_configure() at /home/sio57/
[16-Mar-2018 13:21:52 Europe/Paris] * Pieform->__construct(array(size 5)) at /home/sio57/
[16-Mar-2018 13:21:52 Europe/Paris] * Pieform::process(array(size 5)) at /home/sio57/
[16-Mar-2018 13:21:52 Europe/Paris] * pieform(array(size 5)) at /home/sio57/
[16-Mar-2018 13:21:52 Europe/Paris] * language_select_form() at /home/sio57/
[16-Mar-2018 13:21:52 Europe/Paris] * smarty(array(size 0), array(size 0), array(size 0), array(size 1)) at /home/sio57/
[16-Mar-2018 13:21:52 Europe/Paris] * MaharaException->handle_exception() at /home/sio57/
[16-Mar-2018 13:21:52 Europe/Paris] * exception(object(SQLException)) at Unknown:0
[16-Mar-2018 13:21:52 Europe/Paris]



le fichier /lib/error.log

17-Mar-2018 11:23:01 Europe/Paris] [INF] d1 (lib/cron.php:52) ---------- cron running Sat, 17 Mar 2018 11:23:01 +0100 ----------
[17-Mar-2018 11:23:01 Europe/Paris] [INF] d1 (lib/cron.php:96) Running PluginArtefactAnnotation::clean_annotationfeedback_notifications
[17-Mar-2018 11:23:02 Europe/Paris] [INF] d1 (lib/cron.php:96) Running PluginArtefactComment::clean_feedback_notifications
[17-Mar-2018 11:23:02 Europe/Paris] [INF] d1 (lib/cron.php:96) Running PluginArtefactInternal::clean_email_validations
[17-Mar-2018 11:23:02 Europe/Paris] [INF] d1 (lib/cron.php:96) Running PluginAuthLdap::auth_ldap_sync_cron
[17-Mar-2018 11:23:02 Europe/Paris] [INF] d1 (lib/cron.php:96) Running PluginAuthWebservice::clean_webservice_logs
[17-Mar-2018 11:23:02 Europe/Paris] [INF] d1 (lib/cron.php:96) Running PluginNotificationEmaildigest::send_digest
[17-Mar-2018 11:23:02 Europe/Paris] [INF] d1 (lib/cron.php:96) Running PluginSearchElasticsearch::cron
[17-Mar-2018 11:23:02 Europe/Paris] [INF] d1 (lib/cron.php:96) Running PluginBlocktypeExternalfeed::cleanup_feeds
[17-Mar-2018 11:23:02 Europe/Paris] [INF] d1 (lib/cron.php:96) Running PluginBlocktypeExternalfeed::refresh_feeds
[17-Mar-2018 11:23:02 Europe/Paris] [INF] d1 (lib/cron.php:96) Running PluginInteractionForum::clean_forum_notifications
[17-Mar-2018 11:23:02 Europe/Paris] [INF] d1 (lib/cron.php:96) Running PluginInteractionForum::interaction_forum_new_post
[17-Mar-2018 11:23:02 Europe/Paris] [INF] d1 (lib/cron.php:158) Running core cron auth_clean_partial_registrations
[17-Mar-2018 11:23:02 Europe/Paris] [INF] d1 (lib/cron.php:158) Running core cron auth_clean_expired_password_requests
[17-Mar-2018 11:23:02 Europe/Paris] [INF] d1 (lib/cron.php:158) Running core cron auth_handle_account_expiries
[17-Mar-2018 11:23:02 Europe/Paris] [INF] d1 (lib/cron.php:158) Running core cron auth_handle_institution_expiries
[17-Mar-2018 11:23:02 Europe/Paris] [INF] d1 (lib/cron.php:158) Running core cron activity_process_queue
[17-Mar-2018 11:23:02 Europe/Paris] [DBG] d1 (lib/activity.php:209) Page avec l'identifiant 116 introuvable
[17-Mar-2018 11:23:02 Europe/Paris] [DBG] d1 (lib/activity.php:209) Page avec l'identifiant 132 introuvable
[17-Mar-2018 11:23:02 Europe/Paris] [DBG] d1 (lib/activity.php:209) Page avec l'identifiant 134 introuvable
(and a lot of same row with other numbers)
18-Mar-2018 04:13:09 Europe/Paris] [WAR] b5 (lib/errors.php:536) [Error]: Wrong parameters for MaharaException([string $message [, long $code [, Throwable $previous = NULL]]])
[18-Mar-2018 04:13:09 Europe/Paris] Call stack (most recent first):
[18-Mar-2018 04:13:09 Europe/Paris]   * exception(object(Error)) at Unknown:0
[18-Mar-2018 04:13:09 Europe/Paris] 

since it's always runnning !
------- cron running Sun, 18 Mar 2018 14:23:02 +0100 ----------
[18-Mar-2018 14:23:02 Europe/Paris] [INF] 0d (lib/cron.php:96) Running PluginSearchElasticsearch::cron
[18-Mar-2018 14:23:02 Europe/Paris] [INF] 0d (lib/cron.php:522) Skipping long-running cron job blocktype_externalfeed_refresh_feeds (Sun, 18 Mar 2018 04:13:06 +0100).
[18-Mar-2018 14:23:02 Europe/Paris] [INF] 0d (lib/cron.php:158) Running core cron activity_process_queue
[18-Mar-2018 14:23:02 Europe/Paris] [INF] 0d (lib/cron.php:158) Running core cron import_process_queue
[18-Mar-2018 14:23:02 Europe/Paris] [INF] 0d (lib/cron.php:158) Running core cron export_process_queue
[18-Mar-2018 14:23:02 Europe/Paris] [INF] 0d (lib/cron.php:158) Running core cron user_login_tries_to_zero
[18-Mar-2018 14:23:02 Europe/Paris] [INF] 0d (lib/cron.php:158) Running core cron check_imap_for_bounces
[18-Mar-2018 14:23:02 Europe/Paris] [INF] 0d (lib/cron.php:158) Running core cron watchlist_process_notifications

I hope you will help me, thanks in advance


Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4739

19 March 2018, 8:27

Hello Sophie,

The table "mhcb_testtable" is only a test table that MySQL needs for the upgrade. You can drop it and run through the upgrade again and see if that gives you a better result.




Stitou Sophie's profile picture
Posts: 15

19 March 2018, 2:34

i ve this mesage in the /admin/error.log

[WAR] 4c (lib/errors.php:536) [Error]: Call to undefined function check_upgrades()
[18-Mar-2018 14:11:19 Europe/Paris] Call stack (most recent first):
[18-Mar-2018 14:11:19 Europe/Paris]   * exception(object(Error)) at Unknown:0
15 results