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Unable to create 'page' as institution admin

10 January 2018, 3:21


In february I want to start up two small scaled experiments with Mahara in two fields of education at the faculty of Psychology en Pedagogical sciences.

Therefor I have created two 'institutions' for each field of study, of which I am the institution administrator.
I am trying to set up templates for students to copy from the institution platform that they can taylor to their needs. I am able to create 'collections', but when I want to create 'pages' to incorporate in those collections, I get the following errorpage : 

error page.jpg

Does anyone know what I did wrong and how I can fix this?


Thank you!

Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4736

10 January 2018, 8:22

Hi Melissa,

Do you have any more detailed error message in your server's error log? I hadn't come across that error before.




10 January 2018, 21:46

Hello Kristina,


This is the error I can trace : 

[Wed Jan 10 09:27:49.885081 2018] [error] [pid 15653]
mod_proxy_fcgi.c(848): [client] AH01071: Got error 'PHP message: [WAR] 5b (view/editlayout.php:47) Default page template not found.\nPHP message: Call stack (most recent first):\nPHP message:
* log_message(string(size 32), integer, true, true, string(size 53), integer, array(size 0)) at /data/sites/web/fppwbe/www/mahara/lib/errors.php:648\nPHP message: *
MaharaException->handle_exception() at
/data/sites/web/fppwbe/www/mahara/lib/errors.php:547\nPHP message: *
exception(object(ConfigSanityException)) at Unknown:0\nPHP message: \n'

Does this make anything more clear?

Robert Lyon's profile picture
Posts: 759

11 January 2018, 16:01

Hi Melissa,

The error is saying you don't have a page template.

That php file fetches the template via the SQL command:

SELECT id FROM view WHERE institution = 'mahara' and template = 2 and type = 'portfolio';

If you run that command in you database directly do you get a row returned?

If you do not it means the page template is not there somehow. if that is the case can you let me know what PHP version / OS version / Database type and version you are using?



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