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CPD plugin

MarionMacDonald's profile picture
Posts: 199

18 September 2017, 21:59


We upgraded to 17.04 from 16.04 last week and have lost the CPD (cpds) plugin in the process.  It is almost working on our dev site but I just get "unrecoverable error" from the live site.  

Does anyone know if it's possible to get this plugin working with 17.04 or should I give up now?   If I need to give up, I'd be grateful if someone could give me pointers regarding the retrieval of the data.  I have quite a few users who had been using this plugin.



Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4796

21 September 2017, 9:42

Hello Marion,

We haven't used the CPD plugin with Mahara 17.04 yet but with 16.10. Please make sure to use the latest code that is available in the plugin repository. Also, if you moved to PHP 7 there might need to be some adjustments made in the plugin itself.

If you post the error message from the error log that you get for the unrecoverable error, we might be able to help a bit more.




MarionMacDonald's profile picture
Posts: 199

05 October 2017, 2:20

Hi Kristina

Thanks for the response.  We are externally hosted so I have no access to logs etc.  I did get a notification that a broken plugin (cpds) was disabled:

The error message generated by the plugin was:

     File /u0/webroot/virtual/ did not exist

Our dev and live sites are supposed to be identical and it seems to be working on dev but on live I get:

Continuing Professional Development

Mahara: Site unavailable

A nonrecoverable error occurred.

I have quite a few users who had been using the CPD plugin and there seems to be no way to recover their data. 



Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4796

13 October 2017, 10:15

Hello Marion,

The error message you saw is the generic one. You will need to consult the error log to find out more details.

But it also seems that an entire file is missing or can't be found properly.

Please see the latest pull request that Robert made at Your hosting company should update the code it has with the latest that this in Github and that pull request and then see if that resolves any issues.




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