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Upgraded to 17.04 and now can't add or edit a page

Michele Balazs's profile picture
Posts: 10

25 August 2017, 9:30


I have just upgraded  from 16.10 to 17.04 and am now unable to add or edit page. There were no error messages during upgrade

[php7:notice] [pid 65092] [client] [WAR] 26 (lib/errors.php:536) [Error]: [] operator not supported for strings, referer:
[Thu Aug 24 22:08:38.009604 2017] [php7:notice] [pid 65092] [client] Call stack (most recent first):, referer:
[Thu Aug 24 22:08:38.009620 2017] [php7:notice] [pid 65092] [client] * exception(object(Error)) at Unknown:0, referer:
[Thu Aug 24 22:08:38.009627 2017] [php7:notice] [pid 65092] [client] , referer:

im using php7.1, apache 2.4 on a suse server, mariadb 10.022 and I downloaded the upgrade from


Is there anyone that can help ?




Michele Balazs's profile picture
Posts: 10

25 August 2017, 9:39

I downloaded the package from and I am using mariadb 10.0.22

Cecilia Vela's profile picture
Posts: 110

28 August 2017, 11:24

Hi Michele,

The error message does not give enough information of where exactly in the code you have the problem. It looks like you are trying to display a group page when you have this issue. Do you see the error for every page or only for group pages? Could you please write the steps you followed to get this exception, so we can identify the exact part of the code we need to look into?
And please let us know if you have made any changes in the code.


Michele Balazs's profile picture
Posts: 10

31 August 2017, 1:29



Just to confirm, no changes in code - all non core extensions removed. It occurred whenever we clicked add page or edit page in group and individual contexts.


For example as an individual

From the dashboard page: main menu> portfolio> pages and collections > add page 

Or on the same pages and collections screen, clicking on an individual page and then edit page

Best wishes


Robert Lyon's profile picture
Posts: 767

29 August 2017, 13:04

Hi Michele,

The error "Fatal error: [] operator not supported for string error" usually means there is a variable set up as a string, eg

 $test = 'cat';

and then some code tries to change this to an array, eg

 $test[] = 'dog';

But I can't see where on the group/view.php page this could be so I suspect it happened within a function that page called - does your site have any custom / third party plugins?



Robert Lyon's profile picture
Posts: 767

29 August 2017, 13:21

I've started a bug report for this

but it is a bit vague as I'm not sure of the place(s) that is causing this error



Michele Balazs's profile picture
Posts: 10

31 August 2017, 1:22



Apologies, it is occurring every time we add or edit a page, both in an individual and group context.

I removed all non-core extensions that we had loaded - cpd and learning styles as a first step but it made no difference.

I installed a blank mahara in a similar environment -> same issues

It seems to be a php7.1 issue as have now downgraded and its working...





Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4796

31 August 2017, 14:59

Hello Michele,

Thank you for the additional testing. I created a bug report for the issue at so we can keep track of it. Since we don't yet support PHP 7.1, we don't have an ETA for fixing this.

If you want to go ahead and give it a go, we'll be happy to review your solution.




Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4796

31 August 2017, 16:41

Hi Mich,

I overlooked that Robert had already set up a bug report. There is a patch at

Could you please give that a go on your PHP 7.1 and see if it resolves the issue?

Thank you



Michele Balazs's profile picture
Posts: 10

02 September 2017, 0:47


i have just tested the patch and it works on the test site i set up that was displaying the error. I will leave our production site at PHP 7.0

Many thanks for your help

Best wishes


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