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Problems after Mahara upgrade from 15.10 to 17.04.2

Gregor Pirker's profile picture
Posts: 9

19 August 2017, 1:06

Hi all,

I have made the upgrade from 15.10 to 17.04.2 3weeks ago and now I have found an error at the function "Add Institution". 


If I click on it, an error is comming. 


I have take a look on the apache error.log:


but I have no plan how I can solve this. I hope you can help me.


Ubuntu 14.04

Apache2.4 + php5.5

Postgres 9.3

I didn´t get any error by the upgrade. By a similar Mahara upgrade from 16.10 to 17.04  there are no problems.

Is it possible, on the old version 15.10 i have installed the oidc plugin but we didn´t needed and on upgrade I have it disabeld and deleted. Is this the problem?  

Thank you very much for the Help.

Best wishes

Gregor Pirker

Gregor Pirker's profile picture
Posts: 9

22 August 2017, 0:37

Hi all,

Problem is solved. I have found the error, it gaves a complication on the Authentication. Some remains from oidc plugin has made this error. Obviously I have not all deinstalled. After a clearly deinstall all works fine. 

Thanks a lot.

Best wishes

Gregor Pirker

Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4796

24 August 2017, 20:56

Hello Gregor,

Great that you could resolve your issue. What is the oidc plugin? I couldn't find it on our list of plugins and thus would have been very much in the dark.




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