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Undefined property: stdClass::$log_backtrace_print_args

Andrew Winkler's profile picture
Posts: 2

10 July 2017, 17:59

I'm trying to install Mahara alongside Moodle. No matter whether I use the web or the shell installer I get the following errors:

[WAR] 76 Undefined property: stdClass::$log_backtrace_print_args
Call stack (most recent first):
  • log_message(string(size 55), integer, true, true, string(size 47), integer) at /home/banksia/public_html/mahara/lib/errors.php:521
  • error(integer, string(size 55), string(size 47), integer, array(size 5)) at /home/banksia/public_html/mahara/lib/errors.php:314
  • log_build_backtrace(array(size 1)) at /home/banksia/public_html/mahara/lib/errors.php:160
  • log_message(string(size 58), integer, true, true, string(size 47), integer, array(size 1)) at /home/banksia/public_html/mahara/lib/errors.php:648
  • MaharaException->handle_exception() at /home/banksia/public_html/mahara/lib/errors.php:547
  • exception(object(SystemException)) at Unknown:0
[WAR] 76 [ParseError]: syntax error, unexpected '$cfg' (T_VARIABLE)
Call stack (most recent first):
  • exception(object(ParseError)) at Unknown:0

ERROR - something bad happened after headers have been sent. Check the error log for more information.

The error log provides the following kind of errors:

[09-Jul-2017 14:54:10 UTC] [WAR] 60 [ParseError]: syntax error, unexpected '$cfg' (T_VARIABLE)
[09-Jul-2017 14:54:10 UTC] Call stack (most recent first):
[09-Jul-2017 14:54:10 UTC] * exception(object(ParseError)) at Unknown:0

[09-Jul-2017 14:54:21 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined property: stdClass::$log_backtrace_print_args in /home/banksia/public_html/mahara/lib/errors.php on line 314

I'm running Centos 7.3/WHM/cPanel with PHP 7.0, MariaDB on a 4 CPU, 8GB RAM, 80GB SSD Digital Ocean droplet.

Here's the php info for the subdomain:

http: //

And the my.cnf for the server:

http: //

And its easyapache4 configuration:

http: //




Robert Lyon's profile picture
Posts: 768

11 July 2017, 6:20

Hi Andrew,

The $cfg->log_backtrace_print_args variable should have a default definition set via htdocs/lib/config-defaults.php

it is normally set to null

You can override that setting by adding $cfg->log_backtrace_print_args to your htdocs/config.php file, eg

$cfg->log_backtrace_print_args = true;



Andrew Winkler's profile picture
Posts: 2

11 July 2017, 13:44

Thanks for that. I tried it right away, but it made no difference.

Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4812

13 July 2017, 15:00

Hi Andrew,

Googling for "syntax error, unexpected '$cfg' (T_VARIABLE)" suggests that there may be a problem in a line above. Can you please check that the syntax for all config variables are correct and the variables end in a semicolon and don't have other characters after them?




Stitou Sophie's profile picture
Posts: 15

16 February 2018, 22:38

i have the same problem i change for true, but no change

Robert Lyon's profile picture
Posts: 768

21 February 2018, 10:26


The only way I was able to generate that error was by adding a $cfg all by itself on it's own line within the config.php file.

So it does sound most likely to be a syntax error the config.php file causing the problem. If you are having problems sorting out feel free to paste the contents of the config form here (Remember to remove/change any sensitive info)



Stitou Sophie's profile picture
Posts: 15

21 February 2018, 20:58

i have this message in my error.log in the lib directory - in what file  can be this '/' unexpected ?

[WAR] f3 Undefined property: stdClass::$log_backtrace_print_args
[21-Feb-2018 06:36:01 Europe/Paris] Call stack (most recent first):
[21-Feb-2018 06:36:01 Europe/Paris]   * log_message(string(size 55), integer, true, true, string(size 51), integer) at /home/sio57/
[21-Feb-2018 06:36:01 Europe/Paris]   * error(integer, string(size 55), string(size 51), integer, array(size 5)) at /home/sio57/
[21-Feb-2018 06:36:01 Europe/Paris]   * log_build_backtrace(array(size 1)) at /home/sio57/
[21-Feb-2018 06:36:01 Europe/Paris]   * log_message(string(size 42), integer, true, true, string(size 51), integer, array(size 1)) at /home/sio57/
[21-Feb-2018 06:36:01 Europe/Paris]   * MaharaException->handle_exception() at /home/sio57/
[21-Feb-2018 06:36:01 Europe/Paris]   * exception(object(SystemException)) at Unknown:0
[21-Feb-2018 06:36:01 Europe/Paris] 
[21-Feb-2018 06:36:01 Europe/Paris] [WAR] f3 [ParseError]: syntax error, unexpected '/'
[21-Feb-2018 06:36:01 Europe/Paris] Call stack (most recent first):
[21-Feb-2018 06:36:01 Europe/Paris]   * exception(object(ParseError)) at Unknown:0
Stitou Sophie's profile picture
Posts: 15

21 February 2018, 23:52

impossible to give my complete config every post are blocked so this is the uncomment line

$cfg = new stdClass();

 * database connection details
 * valid values for dbtype are 'postgres' and 'mysql'
$cfg->dbtype   = 'mysql';
$cfg->dbprefix = 'mhcb_';
$cfg->dbhost   = 'localhost';
$cfg->dbport   = null; // Change if you are using a non-standard port number for your database
$cfg->dbname   = 'sio57_maha10';
$cfg->dbuser   = 'sio57_maha10';
$cfg->dbpass   = 'xxx';

$cfg->dataroot = '/home/sio57/mahdata';

  $cfg->urlsecret = null
Robert Lyon's profile picture
Posts: 768

22 February 2018, 8:56

Looking at what you posted - the line

$cfg->urlsecret = null

should have a ; at the end, eg

$cfg->urlsecret = null;

Hopefully this is the problem :)



Stitou Sophie's profile picture
Posts: 15

22 February 2018, 20:51

Yes very helpfull (so sorry)

but now i have the message that i have a problem echec mise a jour (fail to update) for the componant

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