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generating a token for a user with REST-protocol for new webservice to upload a file to mahara

06 April 2017, 21:29


is there a documentation how to generate a token for a user using the REST webservice?

We want to be able to upload files to mahara using the REST protocol. Therefor we would like to implement an automatic access token setting in order to add this special upload-funktion to mahara.

In the documentation I found this information: "The majority of authentication methods should allow for the automatic setting of an access token. However, some may not (at this stage), including MNet."

The chapter "8.3.2. Generate a token" is empty. Maybe someone can give us a hint, how to implement the automatic token generation

Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4739

11 April 2017, 9:52

Hi Andreas,

Currently, to my knowledge, the "Apps" under Settings -> Apps are tied to the Mobile API, i.e. the use with Mahara Mobile. I made a note of adding some details to section 8.3.2. It's straight forward: click the "Generate" button and paste the token into Mahara Mobile.




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