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Embed mahara page on another website?

David Bell's profile picture
Posts: 26

03 April 2017, 13:25

Hi, is it possible to generate an embed code so that I can place a mahara page on another website. Thanks.

David Bell's profile picture
Posts: 26

05 April 2017, 11:36

Thanks Shane N. - got the answer at Mahara hui...use an embedly.

Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4796

11 April 2017, 9:58

Hi David,

For security reasons, we actually don't allow the embedding of Mahara into other applications. There is a header in Mahara that prevents it. When you embed a page, it also embeds the navigation etc. with it. So if true embedding should be done, it would only be possible to embed a page like you can only embed a YouTube video but not all the other blocks that are on a YouTube page.




David Bell's profile picture
Posts: 26

11 April 2017, 11:19

Thanks Kristina, I am having some fun with the zine/HTML concept e.g here hence the query. 

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