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Help wanted for testing the Mahara 17.04 release candidate

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Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4796

31 March 2017, 17:06

Hello Mahara community,

To ring in the important month of April, the month of our first Mahara release for 2017, we'd like to invite you to test the release candidate (RC) for Mahara 17.04.

By testing the RC, you can preview all new 17.04 features and the changes before the official stable release. The time of the RC is crucial as we still have time to fix important bugs.

If you have a test server or a developer instance, please do a test upgrade and see how it goes. While we test in different environments, we may not be able to catch all exceptions that you deal with. Therefore, your testing on your own infrastructure would be beneficial. But please don't upgrade your production site just yet. ;-)

You can download the release candidate or access it on Git.

So what's new in Mahara 17.04? As usual, we have a number of new features that are listed on Launchpad with the "nominatedfeature" tag.

This time, the major changes are the following:

  • App-style navigation for Mahara
  • Support for single sign-on via LTI from an LMS
  • Pages and collections are displayed on one screen
  • New "Default" theme
  • Portfolios of your friends that you have access to can be tracked easily on your dashboard
  • MochiKit JavaScript has been removed from Mahara
  • Language packs can be updated via CLI

We are in the process of updating the user manual and will have more documentation available soon.

You can view a list of all the bugs that have been fixed and new features that will go into Mahara 17.04.

If you reported bugs and they have been fixed, pay particular attention to them and check that all is working now.

In case you find new bugs, please report them on Launchpad so they can consider to fix them before the 17.04.0 release:

In case there are important bugs found that need fixing, we may produce a second release candidate. Otherwise, this release candidate will become the final 17.04.0 release.

You can use our developer instance to check out the new features of Mahara (that don't require site administrator access) if you can't install it yourself.

We look forward to hearing from you.

The Mahara 17.04 Release Managers

Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4796

24 April 2017, 15:24


We just issued a second release candidate for Mahara 17.04 at and invite you to give that a go. A big Thank You to everyone who reported issues in RC1, which allowed us to fix a few issues and thus give you RC2. We are planning on releasing Mahara 17.04.0 at the end of the week. So there are still a few days to report major issues.

Thank you



Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4796

26 April 2017, 15:44


The Mahara user manual for 17.04 is available online at if you want to check out the new features that affect your learners.




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