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How to find the url of the file which I uploaded to my files folder

na li's profile picture
Posts: 61

15 December 2016, 16:18


I've searched in the mahara user manual and the forum topics, but I didn't find similar questions and answers, so I created this new topic.

We are using Mahara as one of the most important teaching and learning platform in our University. Teachers are asking about how to find the url of the file which they've uploaded to the files folder? For example, teacher A has uploaded a word document X, and she wants to put the url of this word document in the page content, so that students can easily find the document. But if she go to "Files", she cannot find the url of that word document. If she click on the document, she can only download it.

Is ther anyway that we can find the url of the file which we've uploaded?

Thanks and we'll be looking forward to your reply.



Gordon McLeod's profile picture
Posts: 197

15 December 2016, 22:14

Hello Lina,

In the files section, if you RIGHT click on the filename you will get the option to copy the URL - this can then be used on the page as a direct link to the document. We use this method all the time at my institution to link relevant documents within text boxes so that the information is in context.

Regards, Gordon.

na li's profile picture
Posts: 61

16 December 2016, 1:18

Hello Gordon,

Many thanks for your help.

I tried to right click on the filename and select the copy URL, but the URL is to download the file:

For example, if I click the above URL, I can download the file. But what I want is to open the file in browser.

Thanks for you kind suggestion.



Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4812

19 December 2016, 12:55

Hello Lina,

You will be asked to download the file most of the time as the browser won't be able to display the file types. The preferred way of linking to a file (unless it is in a text box, note or journal entry), is to use one of the file options under "Media". that way you see the filename and the description or you can display images, video and PDFs directly on the page without having to download them.




na li's profile picture
Posts: 61

19 December 2016, 14:36

Hi Kristina,

Thanks for your suggestion. For images, video and PDFs I will use "Media" to display on the page directly.

But some of our teachers want to link to some css file while editing the page with html code. So we need to know the URL of the css file. Although I can upload the css file onto server and provide the URL to teachers, but there are many teachers need to link to different css files, I think it is better if they can upload the css file to their own mahara files' folder and then find the url to link to in the Mahara HTML code.

Sorry that I didn't explained clearly in my first post.

Is there any chance for users to find the URL of the file?




Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4812

19 December 2016, 16:22

Hi Lina,

You can still use the "Files to download" block type to provide a link to the CSS file. :-)




na li's profile picture
Posts: 61

19 December 2016, 21:28

Hi Kristina,

Many thanks for your reply. I tried the files to download, but the url is for users to download, not pointing to the file directly.

Screen Shot 2016-12-19 at 4.10.42 PM.png


What our teachers want to do is a little complicate than just link to a file. My apologies that I didn't explain my question very clear in the previous posts.

As the below screenshot shows, this is a map with some interactive icons. Once students click on the icon, there will be information appear. In order to get this map available on the Mahara page, teacher will edit the page with HTML code. And in the html code, the css file and js file need to be accessible by a src url.

Screen Shot 2016-12-19 at 4.23.55 PM.png

This is the html code to display the map.

Screen Shot 2016-12-19 at 4.17.23 PM.png

Many thanks for your kind help. Hopefully my additional description can make my question much more clear.



Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4812

20 December 2016, 9:11

Hello Lina,

Thank you for the details. Now I understand that you essentially want to have a little webpage within your Mahara page.

You may be able to add '&embedded=1' at the end of the URL that you copy and thus override the forcing of the download.




na li's profile picture
Posts: 61

20 December 2016, 14:37

Hi Kristina,

Great! This solved my problem. Thank you very much. I really appreciate your help.



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