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Sharing with tutors or administrators within a group only in 16.04

kalli benetos's profile picture
Posts: 22

06 October 2016, 3:19


I have a group that contains administrators, tutors and regular members. I would like to share a collection with only the administrators and tutors for the time being while we work collectively on the pages and share with all members when they are ready.  It used to be possible (pre mahara 15) to share with all or restrict sharing to certain 'types' of members of a group. I can no longer find this option in our current version 16.04. I can only share with the public, registered users (all or individuals) or with a group. 

Is there a way to share with only admins or tutors of a particular group? Please tell me I am missing something.




Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4739

10 October 2016, 9:38

Hi Kalli,

The functionality still exists. :-) Check out

In the drop-down menu for the access, click on "Groups" under "Search for" and then select your group. You will then have a third drop-down menu in which you can select with whom in the group you want to share your portfolio.




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