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orphaned collections?

28 September 2016, 20:56


When a Moodlerooms course which contained locked eportfolio assignments from last year was reset recently by the tutor the submitted collections remain visible within the student mahara space, locked in the student profile. This prevents admin from being able to export a copy (necessary for exam regulations). Can someone suggest a way around this?


Ghada El-Zoghbi's profile picture
Posts: 122

28 September 2016, 22:39

Hi Teresa,

The only way I know how to 'unlock' these pages is by manually updating the database:


You can run these queries:

update view
set submittedgroup = null,
submittedhost = null,
submittedtime = null,
submittedstatus = 0
where submittedstatus = 1 and submittedhost = 'x';



update collection
set submittedgroup = null,
submittedhost = null,
submittedtime = null,
submittedstatus = 0
where submittedstatus = 1 and submittedhost = 'x';


Please replace x with the wwwroot of your Moodle host. To get the Moodle host, please refer to table 'host':

select wwwroot from host where deleted = 0 and appname = 'moodle';

Before you run these queries, make sure that the views and collections that are going to get updated are indeed the ones you want released:

select * from view where submittedstatus = 1 and submittedhost = 'x';

select * from collection where submittedstatus = 1 and submittedhost = 'x';


Please let me know if you need anything else.






Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4733

29 September 2016, 1:15

Hi Teresa,

To prevent this problem in the future, you should use the option "Yes, but unlock after grading" in the assignment. If you don't have that option, you might still be working with an old version of the plugin and your provider should update it to the latest version.





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