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bulk back up or e-portfolios

27 September 2016, 21:27


we are using Mahara v15.10.3 and our mahara assesssments from last year have been released from the moodle assignments. Is there a way of backing up the relevant student work for storage (we have to keep their submissions for 4-5 years) without having to do this for each individual student? (I have also asked the question through our Moodlerooms support)



Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4882

29 September 2016, 1:27

Hello Teresa,

There is no easy way at the moment for assignment submitted in Moodle. You could ask the students to export the portfolio that was assessed as HTML export (and / or Leap2A export).

I wouldn't use the bulk export functionality that a site admin can use because that exports the entire portfolio and not just the portfolio that had been submitted.

It is possible to automatically archive submissions when you use Mahara groups and not just allow submissions but also the archiving of them. This functionality would be good to have in Moodle as well of course. :-)




08 October 2016, 21:05

Thanks Kristina, I thought that would be the case. A download through the moodle assignment once the marking is done would probably be a best option in the future, even if it involves just delivering a copy of each collection submitted somehow. I wonder if Moodlerooms could help us with this? I will ask. For now we will have to go down the manual route. 

Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4882

10 October 2016, 8:47

Hello Teresa,

There are a few options for dealing with the submissions in Moodle, e.g. make a snapshot directly when submitting rather than locking the portfolio and then automatically unpacking the snapshot during grading and viewing, locking the portfolio and snapshotting but not doing anything with the snapshot and view the portfolio that is locked to avoid the extracting of the portfolio during grading etc. If you wish to have Moodlerooms look into that, please ask them to get in touch with us as we are also having discussions with people interested in such a feature on and off and it would be good to coordinate the efforts. :-)




23 October 2016, 4:21

Thanks, that's helpful. I will pass on the message. 

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