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embedly plugin

Laszló Bambuk's profile picture
Posts: 22

19 September 2016, 21:13

Hi, i just would ask, is there any plugin wiht name embedly?

Ghada El-Zoghbi's profile picture
Posts: 122

19 September 2016, 23:11

Hi Laszlo,

Gregor developed an blocktype. Zip file can be downloaded from here:

Or from github:

It should work with Mahara 15.04 and older versions. I haven't tried it with 16.04. You can try it and let us know. 




Laszló Bambuk's profile picture
Posts: 22

20 September 2016, 0:45

Hi Ghada El-Zoghbi,


thank you for the help, its working, on 16.04., at least the type installed, and appear, in the content editor.

Honestly i dont know what is it, aone of the teachers sad the i should this intsall. Could you help how can it use, or what is its function?




Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4739

20 September 2016, 7:57

Hello László, is a service that allows you to embed content from many different social media sites without having to whitelist their iframe code. It became part of Mahara core in 16.04 and you can use it via the "External media" block and simply paste the code that you get from You do not need to install the plugin anymore. I think generally, cards are used to create the code.




Laszló Bambuk's profile picture
Posts: 22

05 October 2016, 4:06

Dear Kristina,


thank you, and sorry of my late answer.

Could i ask a new here?

In the 16.04 system could not work my multirecipientnotification plugin. If i would to start it, its run, but after a few minutes

its turning of.




Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4739

10 October 2016, 9:55

Hello László,

Can you please provide more information on what you mean with the multirecipientnotification plugin not working? What are the steps that you are taking? Do you have cron running?

Thank you



Meg Goodine's profile picture
Posts: 11

29 April 2017, 4:40

I'm confused about how the plug-in is supposed to work. I'm in the plug-in administration section and is has a link to : Apply for your free key online. But there doesn't seem to be any free option available. There is only a $99 a month API option or a $9 a month card option. Am I missing something? Is there any documentation this?


Patric Lougheed's profile picture
Posts: 97

29 April 2017, 5:44

Looks like it has been discontinued...

"The biggest change comes in removing our free API tiers on April 17th, 2017. Over the last 6 years, you, our users, have been fair to us, and we’re committed in being fair and loyal to you too. While the free API may be gone, we will still provide a free option through Cards using our generator."

Now I have to check to see if this functionality is now broken... sigh. This is a very popular function for my clients.

Time for me to revisit my idea of a self-hosted alternative using the iframely code. 


Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4739

01 May 2017, 13:44

Hello Meg and Patric,

Thanks for letting us know. External services in core can be tricky. I created for us to look into what we would need to change to make the transition.




Meg Goodine's profile picture
Posts: 11

03 May 2017, 5:36

Thanks for your replies Katrina and Patric. Will watch and see how it unfolds. It does seem like it would be useful but won't work for us if a subscription is required.


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