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Problems on installing language pack German

27 May 2016, 3:21

I did some test installation with Mahara 16.04.0

As it is described in Wiki the main language after installation is English.

I downloaded de-16.04_STABLE.tar.gz and unzipped it. But on my Mahara installation and also at dataroot is no folder langpacks.

I created one and gave him 777. Afterwards I transferred the de.utf8 folder inside. But when I try to change the language in Site Options there is no further language beside English available.

Would be great to get some help

Kind regards,


Son Nguyen's profile picture
Posts: 28

27 May 2016, 9:03

Hi Günter,

Can you check the permission of the folder de.utf8 ?

All files inside must be accessible by the web user. If you are using ubuntu and apache, the web user should be www-data. You should change the ownership to www-data after transfer using the command

 sudo chown -R www-data.www-data de.utf8/

Log out and you can now change the language. 




28 May 2016, 5:02

Hi Son,

My first question is: I created the folder langpacks at data-root, because there was no folder after installing Mahara. Is this step OK?

Inside this folder there is the unzipped de.utf8 folder. All folder and file permissions inside this folder are 777. 

But there is still no possibility to change the language.



Son Nguyen's profile picture
Posts: 28

30 May 2016, 8:23

Hi Günter,

The folder langpacks should exist after installing mahara.

If it does not exist, you should have the error "For some reason some of the core data directories could not be created. This should not happen as Mahara previously detected that the dataroot directory was writable. Please check the permissions on the dataroot directory." when installing mahara.

Can you please try install mahara again and send me the error log?




01 June 2016, 3:39

Hello Son,

I will try to install Mahara on weekend again. In the meantime I want to show the warning message at administration Panel:

•Your PHP session.entropy_length setting is too small. Set it to at least 16 in your php.ini to ensure that generated session IDs are random and unpredictable enough.
•Your server has the php open_basedir restriction enabled. Some requests for external sites may fail to complete. This could stop certain feeds from updating among other things.
•No sitewide password salt has been set. Edit your config.php and set the "passwordsaltmain" parameter to a reasonable secret phrase.
•The $cfg->urlsecret set for this site has not been changed from the default value. Edit your config.php and set the $cgf->urlsecret parameter to a different string (or null if you do not wish to use a urlsecret).

I did the salt-pw creation at by creating a 12 character pw and changed the parameter in config.php but I get this error-message anyway.

Kind regards,


Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4871

01 June 2016, 8:49

Hello Günter,

I can only speak for the 1st, 3rd and 4th warning and none of them have anything to do with permissions or what you are experiencing with the missing directory. It would be good if you made the suggested changes. I've never seen the 2nd one, probably because our servers don't have that restriction enabled. ;-)

For the password salt, did you put the phrase within single quotation marks like so:

$cfg->passwordsaltmain = '12345678901234567890';

Please give the re-installation a go and report back.




14 June 2016, 8:06

Hello Kristina,

I installed Mahara 16.04.1 for several times but I always have the same problem. There is no langpacks-folder at dataroot.

I also got no install error messages and it seems that everything works fine except the language problem.

Is there something I have to change in config-file?

I am using hosting service by all-inkl.cxx

Maybe there are some other users with some experiences.



14 June 2016, 8:46

I got it! My fault was not to look inside the maharadata-folder. Inside this folder there I could find the langpacks folder.

Thank your for your help!!!

Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4871

16 June 2016, 9:36

Hallo Guenter,

prima, dass das deutsche Sprachpaket funktioniert! :-)

Viele Gruesse



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