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Site Stats in Mahara

Shen Zhang's profile picture
Posts: 87

12 October 2015, 11:58


I noticed that there is a page in our Mahara system that has a lot more page visits than the rest of the pages under the Page Site Stats area. I want to double check that these visits are genuine and not caused by any security issues. Any advise on what I should do to confirm?

Many thanks,


Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4739

13 October 2015, 21:49

Hello Shen,

You could check the access logs I guess and try to find the entries of when somebody goes to the page that is visited very frequently. I don't think we keep the data in the database as the page could be visited by people from the public.

Is it a page that has been shared a lot or that contains information that a lot of people would access? Only because it has more views than other pages doesn't necessarily mean that something is wrong with it. We have lots of visits to some pages on one of our Mahara instances because the person who created the page is great in marketing and linking the page and thus invites more visits than others.




Shen Zhang's profile picture
Posts: 87

14 October 2015, 9:02

Hi Kristina,

Thanks for your reply and confirmation on the amount of data available to check in the database.

Yes, access logs were the place that I ended up checking. I think this is the right place to check. I used the view ID to search for relevant information. After some time of monitoring, it seems that the visits to the page are genuine. 

Thank you again for the advise. You are always very helpful.

Kind regards,


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