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Launching the new Mahara Partner Programme

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Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4812

27 September 2015, 18:34

Dear Mahara users,

In the past year, responsibility for the Mahara Partner Programme has been transferred to the core project team led by Catalyst. We want to re-invigorate and expand this programme. To that end, we had a consultation period with existing partners and others to seek their opinions.

Based on that feedback, we are moving forward with the launch of the new Mahara Partner Programme and are excited about the changes that we are introducing. These will make it possible, among other things, for entities other than commercial companies to join the programme.

There are no fees associated with the Mahara Partner Programme.

The Mahara Partner Programme consists of two tracks to make it simple to participate for all types of organisations:

  • Mahara Business Partners: Companies that offer Mahara support services and contribute features, bug fixes or translations to the Mahara code base, or other services to the Mahara community.
  • Mahara Supporters: Entities that do not offer commercial Mahara services, but do contribute substantially to the project by organising events, contributing code or engaging in business analysis work or other support activities.

If you want to find out more about becoming a Mahara Business Partner or a Mahara Supporter, please review the information on these two tracks.


Mahara Project Lead


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