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Auto-generate an email when joining a group, not an institution

anonymous profile picture
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Posts: 2

02 September 2015, 2:17


We are on our 5th year of utilizing Mahara for portfolio hosting in our higher ed institution. However, we have a group that has recently been created for our online education group and the director would like to have an email similar to the institution email setup so when people are accepted into or added to the group, it will send them an auto-generated email telling them their group membership is approved and the next steps to get started. I haven't really done this before and wondering if this could be done inside Mahara somewhere or if we have to have special coding done to pull the group membership and email using third party stuff. Any help is greatly appreciated! 


Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4884

02 September 2015, 8:38

Hello Rob,

Thank you for using Mahara already for so long!

When you invite people into a group or recommend the group to your friends, they will receive a notification so they can make a decision about joining the group or not.

They currently don't get a notification if they are auto-added to the group or added manually into a controlled group.

If you request membership in a group, the administrator receives a notification and makes their decision and no notification is sent back to the user when the request was accepted.

I like your idea of being able to send a message after an invite / recommendation / request etc. was made to welcome users to the group and maybe highlight certain aspects of the group etc.

I created a wishlist item for it on our tracker: Please feel free to add more details here in this forum topic or on the wishlist item itself.




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