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Some minor bugs

Conrad Lienhardt's profile picture
Posts: 127

25 August 2015, 5:01

Broken Link

When adding the RSS Blocktype a link seems to be broken. Only a placeholder, not an image is shown blow the headline.


Graphic in statistic is inverse

the site statisic shows an inverse graphic (black background) 


Delete Data for Statistics periodically

The site statistic shows all data since I set up this instance of mahara in 2012.  This way there is less or  no information value given.


Deleted Users needs to be deleted effectively

Deleted Users are marked as deleted but remain in DB. Therefore a used email address cannot be used again (e.g. my test persona ;-)   It would be great to have a tool to get rid of all those users deleted years ago ;-)


Latest Version of Mahara

My ep_config shows value 1.10.1 as latest version .
Mahara Version: 15.04.3 (llatest version is 1.10.1)
How can I get the actual version?


I would be glad if someone could help me fix these bugs.

Thanks and Regards,


Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4894

25 August 2015, 7:54

Hello Conrad,

Thank you for your reports.

Can you please provide the link to the RSS feed that you are using? This could be a protocol-specific problem, e.g. on a site with SSL certificate, images from a non-SSL site are not displayed.

The statistics graphs don't show up because the package doesn't work on your version of Linux anymore. We updated this for Mahara 15.10 and are using a more modern graphing engine that is supported.

What statistics would you like to have deleted? Does it pertain to the graph that you showed above for the number of pages over time? I'd be hesitant to delete old data as it cannot be guaranteed that site admins diligently download them and keep them on file. The site statistics don't show all years for me, but usually a shorter timeframe of about three months.

For deleted users: Do you have the cron running? When I delete users (1.10 and 15.04 for example), I can't re-use their email address instantly, but can do so after a few minutes. I looked into my DB and yes, a deleted user is still in there (because they still have forum posts etc.), but their email address has a hash at the end and thus is different to what you would enter anew.




Conrad Lienhardt's profile picture
Posts: 127

26 August 2015, 2:14

Hello Kristina,

thanks for your reply.

I'll try to fix that placeholder problem.

For the statistic graph I would appreciate a time span of a month or so. Why? I had a course with a bigger number of students. After the course I deleted those users. This term I have a course with only 20 students. And this number does not show really  up in the graph, because in comparison to 250 the number is less significant. That way there is no effective visual information.

None of my addresses of deleted users show a hash in DB. Cron is running without any error messages. This blocks a reuse of an used email address. (my version 15.04) How can I get the fix working you mentioned?

Best Greetings and Regards

Conrad Lienhardt's profile picture
Posts: 127

27 August 2015, 7:20

Hello Kristina,

you wrote: "images from a non-SSL site are not displayed". Most of embedded RSS Feeds in our Mahara come from non-SSL sites and therefore show a placeholder instead of an image.

Is there a way to substitute this placeholder by a standard image always shown in these cases or to eliminate the placeholder?

That would really be fine.

Cheers, Conrad

Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4894

28 August 2015, 11:40

Hello Conrad,

I just checked an RSS feed on my instance and also saw a broken image. There it is wrapped into a div and actually doesn't link to an image at all.

We won't have this issue in Mahara 15.10 anymore. I can't see a broken image there as things got refactored quite a bit.

Since it's not a critical bug to fix that would stop Mahara from working, we would most likely leave it as is and deal with higher importance issues. You could remove it in the code from your instance.




Conrad Lienhardt's profile picture
Posts: 127

28 August 2015, 19:51

Hello Kristina

I fixed it in a quick & dirty but working hack. To get rid of the broken link for feedimages of non SSL-Sites  (This refers to Mahara 15.04 Version.)

in file:


I commented out the following lines :



Hope this may help others who have to deal with this bug.


Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4894

31 August 2015, 7:56

Hello Conrad,

Thank you for sharing your fix.




Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4894

31 August 2015, 8:32

Hello Conrad,

I submitted your fix on behalf of you to our code review system. Let's see if it's being accepted or if the developers think there should be some other changes.




Conrad Lienhardt's profile picture
Posts: 127

27 August 2015, 23:37


while using a former version of mahara (1.5x) I set my Profile on the watchlist. I thought this would alert me in case someone leaves a message at the pin board. This did not work.

But now at 15.04. I tried to delete my Profle page from the watchlist and could not find a link to deactivate.

How can I manage this?

Thanks and Regards

Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4894

28 August 2015, 11:53

Hello Conrad,

Profile pages cannot be added to the watchlist (anymore) as far as I know. You should be able to remove it from the database in the table "usr_watchlist_view. The usr ID is the user who put the page on the watchlist and then you just look for the ID of the page (under "view") and remove that row.




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