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Automated Test - Mahara/Moodle integration

06 June 2015, 5:45

Hi there,

I need to have an automated test that can detect if my Moodle/Mahara integration is working. In other words, any kind of integration test that can check the SSO, exporting files from Moodle to Mahara, and any others functionalities.

I would like to run it daily and be alerted if there is something that doesn't work.

Does anybody use some kind of test for that? Behat tests? Unit tests?

I'm using Mahara 1.10.2, Moodle 2.7 with the new versions of plugins for assign submission and feedback from Mahara.

Thanks in advance!



Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4839

15 June 2015, 8:03

Hello Paula,

Mahara also uses Behat for automated testing, but I do not know if the scenarios that you have in mind would work. I'll check with our Behat tester.




Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4839

15 June 2015, 11:19

Hello Paula,

It is possible to use Behat for the automated tests with a few modifications. We'd recommend to use Behat as a standalone system so that you can test across Moodle and Mahara. This would also work well because Mahara 1.10 does not yet have Behat infrastructure. We have Behat incorporated into Mahara from the next version on, which was 15.04, released in April this year.

New steps would be written for the things that aren't yet covered and that you are interested in. If there are already certain steps available, these would be repurposed.




16 June 2015, 0:41

Helo Kistina, 

Thanks for your answer, it is nice to know that Behat infrastructure for Mahara is growing.

We will migrate to 15.04 version and it is possible that we will help to create new behat scenarios in ours next sprints, for test Moodle-Mahara integration.



Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4839

16 June 2015, 8:27

Hello Paula,

It would be fantastic if you were to contribute to our Behat infrastructure. You can find information on setting up for Mahara and writing scenarios at

You can also contribute your Behat tests to core Mahara. They will go through our review system and then you'll have commits in Mahara as well. :-)




17 June 2015, 1:22

Hi Kristina, thanks for the information, I hope we could contribute soon, after migrating to 15.04 :)



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