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Pedagogy /
Using mhara for social learning and sharing in a church/volunteer organisation

anonymous profile picture
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Posts: 16

23 April 2015, 13:36

Hi everyone, I have been working out how to use mahara in away that allows theological students to interact with a wider church group. So the interaction is social with tacit knowledge being shared. This is how our project is proceeding. These two video links show the integration of badges into the social learning.

Resourcing for a social community

Open Badges with Passport

23 April 2015, 21:44

Hi David,

Was nice to see you in Auckland and Adelaide. Thank you for sharing this experience with the community. I appreciate and liked the two links



Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4796

26 April 2015, 15:39

Hello David,

Thank you very much for sharing your resources and giving insight into how you use groups at the Methodist Church. Your videos (not just the two that you linked to) are great examples of how you can deliver content in small chunks nicely via video to your online learners.




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