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Accessing Portfolios for Evaluation

anonymous profile picture
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Posts: 2

10 January 2015, 9:09

We are using Mahara, in part, for program evaluation and our grad students understand that evaluators will be looking at their artifacts. What is the best way to grant access to portfolios? I know I can give access to individuals in the portfolio template, but that is not retroactive to those portfolios already copied and in use by students.  And if that evaluator leaves, his/her replacement will have no access to those portfolios already in active use. 

My idea was to have a generic Admin username that I could give to any evaluator, but our tech administrator doesn't like that idea.  With 1400+ students, I cannot be adding admins manually to each student's portfolio.


anonymous profile picture
Account deleted
Posts: 15

11 January 2015, 23:11

Have you considered using groups. Create a group for each cohort. Give the  assessors the role of amin or tutor. Students submit pages or collections to the group. Only  the assessors will see the pages
anonymous profile picture
Account deleted
Posts: 2

13 January 2015, 5:05

This was suggested by our moodle admin, but we haven't figured out how to attach the portfolios to the group, and I couldn't find this in the community forums either.  I would appreciate your help.

13 January 2015, 19:59


I can suggest to read one of these two books :

(a bit old but still useful for beginners) Mahara 1.2 E-Portfolios: Beginner's Guide from Derring Michael Kent and Gleny Gillian Bradbury


Mahara 1.4 Cookbook from Ellen Marie Murphy.

Alternatively you will find the information you need in the user manual :

--> Creating a group (

--> Feedback for assessment (

If something remains not clear, please come back with your questions here.

Happy readings,


Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4796

19 January 2015, 19:41

Hello Linda,

Alternatively to using Mahara groups, you could use the Mahara assignment plugins (both submission and feedback; require Mahara 1.10 to have all functionality in Mahara core or a backport of the missing features to 1.9). Those will allow you to integrate portfolio submissions into Moodle allowing your assessors to use the regular Moodle assignment activity and also put grades into the gradebook.

If you already have Mahara 1.10, you might want to look into using groups in Mahara and ask students to submit their portfolio to a group (only admins or staff members can set up groups that allow for submissions). You can also set up the group so that any submission is archived right before it is being released back to the student. Admins will then have access to the Leap2A archives and could store them on a backup drive in case you need to keep the assignments for a while.




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