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Mahara and Google fonts

Emilie Lenel's profile picture
Posts: 112

06 December 2014, 1:16


We have an issue with the google fonts in Mahara,

In some classroooms, we have trouble getting the google fonts to load in Mahara.

I thought google fonts were called in our theme (Essential.. by the way, we'll switch to another theme very soon as Essential is no longer maintained).  But, when i search for "googleapis" in Mahara code, it seems that the Google fonts are called in Mahara core. Is it correct ? If it is, how to deactivate Google Fonts ?




Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4829

08 December 2014, 9:02

Hello Emilie,

You can install additional Google fonts in Mahara. See That's probably what you found in the core code. However, that doesn't have anything to do with the Essential theme. That has its font embedded separately to my knowledge. You would need to remove the fonts pulling functionality directly from the theme.




Emilie Lenel's profile picture
Posts: 112

09 December 2014, 2:29

Hi Kristina

I can't find out the Configure Site > Fonts menu in our Mahara

Our mahara is version 1.9 :




09 December 2014, 4:10


If you have a quick look I'm the manual you have to activate the skins feature in your configure.php first.


Emilie Lenel's profile picture
Posts: 112

09 December 2014, 5:02


OK now i can access the Font menu :

I have no google font installed..  However, i can see that Google fonts are called in my mahara. How is it possible ?

Thanks for your help,


<link href='//,700' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>

<link href='//,700,400italic' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>

09 December 2014, 9:04

Isn't it normal when the skins are activated ? Or do you get this even with skin option set to false ?
Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4829

09 December 2014, 9:19

Hello Emilie,

The font Oswald is part of the Essential theme like in Moodle. It tries to get it from there. That is not a core Mahara issue.

You can find the reference to the font in static/style/style.css and in templates/header/head.tpl you find the link to that font. You could download the font itself, like it being done for font Awesome and then reference it locally to avoid long waiting time for the Google server.

Hope that helps to pin it down.




Emilie Lenel's profile picture
Posts: 112

10 December 2014, 3:38

Hi Kristina

Thanks for your answer

I have now removed the Google fonts from the theme.

Thanks again


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