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Git pull / checkout for stable releases
26 November 2014, 3:16
Following the URL for how to install Mahara from git:
The instructions seem to suggest to check out 1.9_STABLE to deploy the stable / production branch of Mahara.
I installed Mahara with this:
git clone --depth=1 --branch 1.9_STABLE <dir>
And that seems to have accomplished the same thing from my understanding of git (which granted is not very much but I did not want to pull the entire Mahara dev history)
But anyway,
git checkout 1.9_STABLE
does report
Already on 1.9_STABLE
yet ....
Under Admin Home, the Mahara version is: 1.9.4testing
That seems to imply to me that what is actually in production is a dev / testing version, and perhaps 1.9.4 has not been released yet.
Maybe it's just that the version is confusing, and that 1.9.4testing *is* the stable / production release - just making sure, since I don't particularly want to run a non-production release on our production server.
I then have "git pull" on a cron entry so that it should automatically apply any security patches as soon as they come out, which may or may not be best practice - but it seems to me always keeping up to date with the current stable branch of the version I'm on seems prudent.
Thanks for any advice...
02 December 2014, 6:13
Thanks Dominique -
I learned that there is a 1.9.4_RELEASE branch as well, but I would prefer to have the latest 1.9_RELEASE tagged, but it isn't tagged unfortunately. Releases are only tagged with the minor release numbers and not the version number as a whole, it seems. Correct me if I'm wrong.
So I suppose 1.9_STABLE will have to do for now and I appreciate the help.
10 December 2014, 16:57
For anyone off the Internet looking for the answer to this question, see my comment in Mike's other thread: