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Mahara/Moodle integration /
Changing Mahara linked to Moodle to Marara only account

anonymous profile picture
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Posts: 1

19 November 2014, 0:20

Hi, I'm new to Moodle/Mahara and hope you can help.  We currently have Mahara set up through login to Moodle but once our students leave they no longer have access to the VLE and therefore their Mahara accounts, does anybody know of a way that I can let them still access their Mahara accounts once they aren't enrolled on Moodle or will they need to create new Mahara accounts altogether?  I'm trying to encourage the students to use Mahara and fear they will be put off creating good content if they lose it once their course finishes.

I would appreciate any advice, thanks in advance


19 November 2014, 5:21


You will find some interesting information in the following posts in this forum:

You will find other resources searching the web with the keywords "Mahara Alumni".

And also have a look at the manual ( and moreover at everything which is related to users management.

It is also possible to one account in Mahara but a multiple of auth systems to access it, but for that you have set in your config.php the magic and dangerous command $cfg->usersuniquebyusername = true. So read carefuly the manual and instructions on the forums about this ( and

Don't hesitate to come back here if you have further questions about this


anonymous profile picture
Account deleted
Posts: 33

19 November 2014, 11:20


Because you are using MNet to SSO between Moodle and Mahara the student ID will not be the same if they login from Mahara.

Solution, have students export there portfolios from Mahara, in LEAP2 format, you do this from the dashboard, then they can create a new ID when they re-register in Mahara and Import there portfolio's.

Hope that helps


Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4796

19 November 2014, 12:21

Hi John,

Because the students are already on the Mahara instance, you don't need to export portfolios and import them, but simply change their authentication method (and put them into another institution on the Mahara site). dajan's links point to that method.




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