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Issue relating to blocktype parameter

anonymous profile picture
Account deleted
Posts: 34

27 October 2014, 11:38

Hi Everyone,

The following issue was discovered by a student recently, has anyone seen this before? We have 77,000 pages at UC and never seen this before.

Thanks! Shane.

Mahara 1.9.1

"I have created a few pages in my Mahara and I was able to add items in my page
few weeks ago. However, when I tried to add items such as textbox and images
into my Mahara this morning, it displayed that "the 'blocktype' parameter is
not alphabetical only" and  I was not able to add anything to my page. Would
you please tell me how to solve this problem? Thanks."

Robert Lyon's profile picture
Posts: 761

27 October 2014, 16:38

This is a known issue with IE if I remember right - One can't choose the 'textbox' and 'images' options at the top of the chooser, but can still chose them if choosing from the expanding lists under 'media' (for images) and 'general' (for textbox).

There is a fix for this in the latest version 1.9.3


anonymous profile picture
Account deleted
Posts: 34

28 October 2014, 12:15

Thanks very much Robert, we will advise the student accordingly.

Aaron Wells's profile picture
Posts: 896

28 October 2014, 12:59

Hi Shane,

Here's the specific bug report about it:



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