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Language files for Mahara 1.10

anonymous profile picture
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Posts: 44

24 October 2014, 20:54

Hi All,

I don't see any language files for Mahara 1.10 yet. At the moment I'm using the master package on my server, but it doesn't seem to do what it should: strings I'm sure I've translated (like the create/share/engage on the dashboard) don't show up.

Also I found launchpad doing weird things - may be I'm missing something. I sometimes see suggestions from myself for untranslated strings, while I translated those files hours or minutes earlier. Am I the only one seeing this?

Kind regars



24 October 2014, 21:55


About the same kind of things I want to report that launchpad often stalls when searching for strings, either in original English or in French. It is also happening some times when you save a page after translation, you then lose minutes or hours of work.

I also confirm I have the same issues as those mentioned by Koen

Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4894

02 November 2014, 16:28

Hello Koen,

Sorry for the delay in making the 1.10 language pack available. It is now at

For Launchpad doing weird things in the translation interface, did you file a bug with Launchpad?




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