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Booklet plugin used for assessment purposes?

anonymous profile picture
Account deleted
Posts: 3

21 October 2014, 3:23


I thought I would start a new topic about the booklet plugin for assessment purposes. We would like to install the booklet plugin but we are not sure it will fulfil our purposes. 

We want to create a course (group) on Mahara, add the students to it, and create a form template which they can fill in and submit. Essentially, the form we would like is in the form of a competency checklist (so with check boxes). I know that Booklet allows you to design forms with various tools like check boxes and radio buttons but can these be used in pages and be submitted to a group for assessment? 

Thank you.



21 October 2014, 9:04


Yes I think that booklet will do the job

But if you are using Moodle aside of Mahara, you could also consider using the plugin checklist and its modified version that accepts Mahara pages.


Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4885

02 November 2014, 16:55

Hello June,

When you want students to submit pages for assessment, they usually create the pages in their portfolio (or copy a template as Aaron outlined) and then submit it to the group. That way:

  • Certain artefacts (unfortunately not all yet) are locked from editing while the portfolio is under review.
  • Any feedback you provide is by default private (but you can switch it to public).
  • You can release the page for further editing once you are finished with your feedback.




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