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Enabling Clean URLs on existing site

Gordon McLeod's profile picture
Posts: 197

01 September 2014, 23:28


We are looking at switching on clean urls for a large existing site, which includes existing links internally between Mahara pages, and also from Moodle. I've been asked to clarify whether there are any issues with these existing links - eg would they be broken when clearn urls are switched on?

My understanding is that the underpining URL that ends with id=1234 (or whatever) continues to function, so current links won't be disrupted, and moving forward we'll be able to replace both new and existing links with human readable versions.

Can anyone confirm if I've understood this correctly?

Thanks, Gordon.

02 September 2014, 2:09

Hello Gordon,

How is it going in Glasgow?

I can confirm that you understood correctly.

I use both clean and standard urls for different purposes on my Mahara and its working either way.


Gordon McLeod's profile picture
Posts: 197

02 September 2014, 2:28

Hi Dajan,

Many thanks for confirming that. Things at Glasgow are going well, though I've been here for a year and a half now so have pretty much got everything setup the way I wanted at school level. Now just trying to persuade people to try some new things at a wider institutional level...

Regards, Gordon.

Kristina Hoeppner's profile picture
Posts: 4884

03 September 2014, 8:20

Hello Gordon,

When switching on clean URLs, you need to ensure that nobody is logged in to Mahara because otherwise, the generation of the URLs doesn't happen properly for them. And you don't want to run the generation again as users could have already changed them (unless you do it again straight away). At maximum, the admin account would stay logged in to kick things of in the administration.




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